domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

My English experience at the university

I think my experience learning English at the university has been good, but I really wish I had learnt a Little more from all my English courses. There are many reasons why I didn’t manage learning more than I did.
I started in the second level of English after making the diagnosis test and my first teacher was an American young woman. This experience was very difficult for me and for my classmates because sometimes it was very hard to communicate with her. Sometimes she didn’t understand what we asked her and this situation slowed down our learning in someway. However, I think she was a good teacher anyway because she put a lot of effort in increasing our learning.
The third level was very different to the second one because this time our teacher was a Chilean woman who was very strict in every aspect. She always got angry when somebody came late to her class or ate in the classroom, and so on. Although I learned something through her teachings, I wish I had learnt more from her, but I think she scared me a little. For example, one time I asked her something, and she answered me very sharply; so, I decided that I would never ask her a question again.
I think this year was very different, too. This time our teacher is a Chilean man. He is a very kind person and he never gets angry (or at least, that’s the impression we get from him). When I ask him about any topic, or about the subject we are studying, he keeps such a friendly attitude that I don’t fear to ask him anything when I have a doubt.
This year has been very nice in that aspect, but I wish I had learnt more too. Unfortunately, I’m in my fourth level of my career, and as I’m about to finish, I really don’t have enough time to study as much English as I would like. Furthermore, I have to recognize I missed some classes this year because I preferred to emphasize mainly my other responsibilities. This decision has made me wonder many times if I really took the most appropriate choice.
In the near future, I would like to learn a lot more about foreign languages, because I love them, and I know that speaking English is now more important than two decades ago because of the globalization and the international trade agreements, which cause that English has become an extremely important tool for all kinds of communications. For these reasons, I’ll make my utmost effort to improve my English skills.

1 comentario:

  1. Did you write this post all by yourself? It sounds too perfect to have been written by a student. If you did, congratulations.
    I hope you keep on learning English and Korean.
