martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

What about last semester?

My last semester experience was very interesting and I enjoyed very much every part of it. There was good and bad point, but I think every experience makes me grow and learn a little more, so I count it like good things anyway.

One of the best memories that I had are the subjects, because I enjoyed a lot almost everyone. My favorite one was math, why? Well, in my school time I didn’t like maths at all, because it was very difficult for me to understand it and I never knew the reason why it happened to me. If somebody had told me that my favorite university subject would be maths, I would have replied that it was impossible.

Now, in my fourth university year, I can say that my favorite matter is math indeed. In this subject I learned many important things that I had never understood in high school because the teaching of it wasn’t good enough for my needs. And that’s very important for me because I must teach this subject to children and I must be self-confident in order to transmit my interest on this subject to my little students and make them love it as I’m doing now and to help them not to fear maths. Discover my love for math was a new feeling that makes me feel good and more security about my knowledge.

I think everything was positive and I’m really thankful and happy because I had good scores in everything and I hope that for this semester too.

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