sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

I love music! <3

I really love this topic because my entire world turns around the music.
You may think it’s weird that I like the music in other languages, especially Japanese and Korean pop music. People around me don’t understand why I love that kind of music the way I do, but I think is quite right with me. This kind of music is called “Idol style” because the groups and singers who are “Idols” are like models of the generation they represent and for people of other ages as well.
The ‘Idol’ people don’t just sing and dance; besides they must be integral persons in every area of their lives. The Idol’s fans know everything about their favorite groups and follow them everywhere they go to know as much as possible of what they do.
I have three favorite ‘Idol’ groups. One of them is a female Japanese group called AKB48. They are 48 girls who dance and sing in a theatre every day of the year. They are very popular in Japan because they are young and cute.
Another group I love is “Dong Bang Shin ki”, that means 'Rising gods of the east'. They are five Korean handsome guys who dance and sing amazingly!!!! And my top one group is also Korean. It’s a boys’ band called “Super Junior”; they it’s composed of 13 members and each one of them has a different personality which makes them a unique band.
I can’t lie about it, because I download their material directly from the Internet, but I try to buy their original music, too.
I buy their music through Internet with a credit card because their music doesn’t get to my country.
As you can see, I really love this kind of music, but unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for me to attend even one of their concerts someday, but I’m happy that Internet gives me the chance to get more information about them.
Personally, I can’t play any musical instrument, but I can sing and I love doing it. The people around me say that I do it very good and that makes me believe in myself.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Let's go to the cinema?

I like going to cinema, but I don’t go often because in my free time, for example the weekends, the tickets are more expensive and I prefer spend that Money in other staffs. Besides, I like the oriental movies and in the local cinemas that kind of films doesn’t come. I like to go to the cinema when somebody invite me and pay my ticket or when is the premiere of a movie that I’m waiting for.

I used to rent movies in the video club, but now with the pirate commerce I admit that I’d buy some films, but I know that’s not right.

My favorite film is a Korean movie called “My sassy girl”. This film is really funny, but is not just a comic movie because they touch many other topics like loyalty, love, etc. And the most important thing that I love of this movie is the unexpected final. I have to say that I experience many emotions while I’m watching this film because I laugh many times as I cry.

I watched this film so many time that I can’t count it.

The good points of this movie are the intelligent and original way to join the two main characters and the weird, but lovely relationship that they build through the entire movie.

The week point could be that the film is very long and sometimes is a Little slow. But I really recommend this movie because I love it!

If you don’t like it I’ll invite you to the cinema next time! It’s a deal!

I recommend Santiago!

Santiago city is a really big city where you can find anything if you search well!
For example, if you want to buy cheap and cool clothes you have to go to Patronato or to Bandera, but in Bandera there are not new clothes, but if you search well you can find many original and cool staffs. I recommend those places because you can save money for other good activities in our city.
If you want to go for a walk, I recommend the San Cristobal hill, because there are beautiful green areas, and a big zoo with lot kinds of animals. I really love the zoo and my favorite animal that you can find there is the “zuricata”.
Another place that I love is “The Metropolitan park” that is a really peaceful place, because there’s no much people walking around. If you want to be alone (or go with a partner) and look a perfect view of Santiago city, you can go there and being relaxes, enjoying the pure air and the beautiful green areas. In this hill you can find a magical place called “The Japanese Park”. This park is little, but really beautiful and all the decoration is inspired in the real Japanese parks. There are a lot of cherry blossom trees that is the Japanese national flower. And there is a little river with a bridge and in the river you can see “loto flowers”. All that decoration makes this place very wonderful and a romantic outlook.