miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

I recommend Santiago!

Santiago city is a really big city where you can find anything if you search well!
For example, if you want to buy cheap and cool clothes you have to go to Patronato or to Bandera, but in Bandera there are not new clothes, but if you search well you can find many original and cool staffs. I recommend those places because you can save money for other good activities in our city.
If you want to go for a walk, I recommend the San Cristobal hill, because there are beautiful green areas, and a big zoo with lot kinds of animals. I really love the zoo and my favorite animal that you can find there is the “zuricata”.
Another place that I love is “The Metropolitan park” that is a really peaceful place, because there’s no much people walking around. If you want to be alone (or go with a partner) and look a perfect view of Santiago city, you can go there and being relaxes, enjoying the pure air and the beautiful green areas. In this hill you can find a magical place called “The Japanese Park”. This park is little, but really beautiful and all the decoration is inspired in the real Japanese parks. There are a lot of cherry blossom trees that is the Japanese national flower. And there is a little river with a bridge and in the river you can see “loto flowers”. All that decoration makes this place very wonderful and a romantic outlook.

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