miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Let's go to the cinema?

I like going to cinema, but I don’t go often because in my free time, for example the weekends, the tickets are more expensive and I prefer spend that Money in other staffs. Besides, I like the oriental movies and in the local cinemas that kind of films doesn’t come. I like to go to the cinema when somebody invite me and pay my ticket or when is the premiere of a movie that I’m waiting for.

I used to rent movies in the video club, but now with the pirate commerce I admit that I’d buy some films, but I know that’s not right.

My favorite film is a Korean movie called “My sassy girl”. This film is really funny, but is not just a comic movie because they touch many other topics like loyalty, love, etc. And the most important thing that I love of this movie is the unexpected final. I have to say that I experience many emotions while I’m watching this film because I laugh many times as I cry.

I watched this film so many time that I can’t count it.

The good points of this movie are the intelligent and original way to join the two main characters and the weird, but lovely relationship that they build through the entire movie.

The week point could be that the film is very long and sometimes is a Little slow. But I really recommend this movie because I love it!

If you don’t like it I’ll invite you to the cinema next time! It’s a deal!

2 comentarios:

  1. paz.¡
    I have not seen that movie, is more, did not know her.
    By what I read is a good movie. Maybe soon I see.


  2. paz I not know this movie, and trust in your good taste... I see...
    kisses friend..
