domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

My English experience at the university

I think my experience learning English at the university has been good, but I really wish I had learnt a Little more from all my English courses. There are many reasons why I didn’t manage learning more than I did.
I started in the second level of English after making the diagnosis test and my first teacher was an American young woman. This experience was very difficult for me and for my classmates because sometimes it was very hard to communicate with her. Sometimes she didn’t understand what we asked her and this situation slowed down our learning in someway. However, I think she was a good teacher anyway because she put a lot of effort in increasing our learning.
The third level was very different to the second one because this time our teacher was a Chilean woman who was very strict in every aspect. She always got angry when somebody came late to her class or ate in the classroom, and so on. Although I learned something through her teachings, I wish I had learnt more from her, but I think she scared me a little. For example, one time I asked her something, and she answered me very sharply; so, I decided that I would never ask her a question again.
I think this year was very different, too. This time our teacher is a Chilean man. He is a very kind person and he never gets angry (or at least, that’s the impression we get from him). When I ask him about any topic, or about the subject we are studying, he keeps such a friendly attitude that I don’t fear to ask him anything when I have a doubt.
This year has been very nice in that aspect, but I wish I had learnt more too. Unfortunately, I’m in my fourth level of my career, and as I’m about to finish, I really don’t have enough time to study as much English as I would like. Furthermore, I have to recognize I missed some classes this year because I preferred to emphasize mainly my other responsibilities. This decision has made me wonder many times if I really took the most appropriate choice.
In the near future, I would like to learn a lot more about foreign languages, because I love them, and I know that speaking English is now more important than two decades ago because of the globalization and the international trade agreements, which cause that English has become an extremely important tool for all kinds of communications. For these reasons, I’ll make my utmost effort to improve my English skills.

sábado, 31 de octubre de 2009

I love music! <3

I really love this topic because my entire world turns around the music.
You may think it’s weird that I like the music in other languages, especially Japanese and Korean pop music. People around me don’t understand why I love that kind of music the way I do, but I think is quite right with me. This kind of music is called “Idol style” because the groups and singers who are “Idols” are like models of the generation they represent and for people of other ages as well.
The ‘Idol’ people don’t just sing and dance; besides they must be integral persons in every area of their lives. The Idol’s fans know everything about their favorite groups and follow them everywhere they go to know as much as possible of what they do.
I have three favorite ‘Idol’ groups. One of them is a female Japanese group called AKB48. They are 48 girls who dance and sing in a theatre every day of the year. They are very popular in Japan because they are young and cute.
Another group I love is “Dong Bang Shin ki”, that means 'Rising gods of the east'. They are five Korean handsome guys who dance and sing amazingly!!!! And my top one group is also Korean. It’s a boys’ band called “Super Junior”; they it’s composed of 13 members and each one of them has a different personality which makes them a unique band.
I can’t lie about it, because I download their material directly from the Internet, but I try to buy their original music, too.
I buy their music through Internet with a credit card because their music doesn’t get to my country.
As you can see, I really love this kind of music, but unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for me to attend even one of their concerts someday, but I’m happy that Internet gives me the chance to get more information about them.
Personally, I can’t play any musical instrument, but I can sing and I love doing it. The people around me say that I do it very good and that makes me believe in myself.

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Let's go to the cinema?

I like going to cinema, but I don’t go often because in my free time, for example the weekends, the tickets are more expensive and I prefer spend that Money in other staffs. Besides, I like the oriental movies and in the local cinemas that kind of films doesn’t come. I like to go to the cinema when somebody invite me and pay my ticket or when is the premiere of a movie that I’m waiting for.

I used to rent movies in the video club, but now with the pirate commerce I admit that I’d buy some films, but I know that’s not right.

My favorite film is a Korean movie called “My sassy girl”. This film is really funny, but is not just a comic movie because they touch many other topics like loyalty, love, etc. And the most important thing that I love of this movie is the unexpected final. I have to say that I experience many emotions while I’m watching this film because I laugh many times as I cry.

I watched this film so many time that I can’t count it.

The good points of this movie are the intelligent and original way to join the two main characters and the weird, but lovely relationship that they build through the entire movie.

The week point could be that the film is very long and sometimes is a Little slow. But I really recommend this movie because I love it!

If you don’t like it I’ll invite you to the cinema next time! It’s a deal!

I recommend Santiago!

Santiago city is a really big city where you can find anything if you search well!
For example, if you want to buy cheap and cool clothes you have to go to Patronato or to Bandera, but in Bandera there are not new clothes, but if you search well you can find many original and cool staffs. I recommend those places because you can save money for other good activities in our city.
If you want to go for a walk, I recommend the San Cristobal hill, because there are beautiful green areas, and a big zoo with lot kinds of animals. I really love the zoo and my favorite animal that you can find there is the “zuricata”.
Another place that I love is “The Metropolitan park” that is a really peaceful place, because there’s no much people walking around. If you want to be alone (or go with a partner) and look a perfect view of Santiago city, you can go there and being relaxes, enjoying the pure air and the beautiful green areas. In this hill you can find a magical place called “The Japanese Park”. This park is little, but really beautiful and all the decoration is inspired in the real Japanese parks. There are a lot of cherry blossom trees that is the Japanese national flower. And there is a little river with a bridge and in the river you can see “loto flowers”. All that decoration makes this place very wonderful and a romantic outlook.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

My Favorite TV serial - That 70's show

My favorite TV Serial is That 70’s Show. This is an American program who related a story about a group of young friends of that age: their music, fashion, etc.

The kind of this serial is comedian and I really love it because is very funny, I really enjoy watching every chapter.

The first time I watched this serial I thought it was a little “stupid” because their characters, but then I became a fan of everyone of them, because they are really talented and good actors.

I watch this serial when I’m sad or tired and is like a battery because I laugh at every moment while I watch it.

The bad thing is that just people who have satellite television are able to watch it because is transmitted in Sony entertainment television every day at 20:00 p.m.

The best thing about this serial are the characters because they are so different, even there are a Latin character who has very poor English skills and talk very funny and that’s exactly is his charm. The other actors are funny too, but he is my favorite.

I recommend this serial, because you’ll laugh a lot watching it! I promise that you won’t be regret!

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Tansantiago or the yellow buses?

The public transport that I use often is Transantiago and the subway.
It takes me two hours to arrive at the University because I live really far from there.
I think transantiago have good and bad points, but we got used to that way to travel in Santiago city.
The good things are: Is easier to pay because the BIP card. Another good thing is that the Price of the fare doesn’t change if we go from a transantiago to another bus or to the subway before two hours from the first pay.
The bad things are: There are too many people who take the public transport, but there aren’t enough buses for everyone. There aren’t enough trains either in the subway, so the people who take it suffering in the pick hours because everybody are really cramped to each other. Another bad point is that sometimes the bus doesn’t come, and the people must wait for a long time and there’s no chance to take another alternative.
The old public transports haven’t anything to envy to Transantiago because it doesn’t work perfectly, just like before.
The old public transport use to be the ‘yellow buses’. They were really ugly and dirty, but it had good thing too, for example: We could travel from one commune to another one without moving from a bus to another.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

My beloved Japan! <3

The country that I always dream to visit someday and live for a while is Japan.
Japan is an amazing country in many aspects. First, it’s very safe and it has very clean public places. Second, the people respect each other very much and they are extremely organized in everything.
The Japanese schools have remarkable results in children education level and in the elementary, secondary and university levels, they have very well structured programs making a very intelligent use of way, time and space.
The career of pedagogy is highly respected in Japan because the people know how the teachers do their utmost effort to educate their children. That is the most important reason why I think I would be really happy living there. I love my profession, but sometimes I think in Chile it doesn’t have the respect, consideration and status that the profession deserves.
I think I would be very happy living in a country that I love and in which, I’d be able to find a good job, where I’ll make what I love more: teach children.
I know it’s almost an impossible dream, but a person without dreams is a person without life in some way. So, I’ll work as hard as I can to continue learning the Japanese language, while I save money to make my dream true: travel to “The rising sun land” someday.